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Current News:


While we stayed in Uganda, one of the people that truly inspired us was Ben, showing incredible tenacity for hard work and dedication, and having ambition for business and law.


When he couldn't gain sponsorship, we couldn't allow such a talented and inspiring young man to miss out on such an opportunity. Therefore we have decided to sponsor him through his university in Kangalumira, doing a course in business.


When you invest in others, they will invest for the future. We know Ben will continue doing well for himself, and eventually for all his family.


Ben is now doing excellently in university and has almost finished his first year! Well done Ben!


We have finally begun the Rainwater Project! This is a sustainable project to build a tank, located at the site of the orphanage, to be able collect rainwater. This is invaluable for the members of Siita's Nest, who are currently paying money out each month to buy in clean water. With this system set up, they can then focus their funds on other sustainable projects, like education or a source of food such as goats or chickens. 


If you would like to donate, then please visit our donation page!

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